Posted in Fat Freeze Courses

Cryolipolysis Training Courses in Los Angeles

Cryolipolysis training courses has created online training courses to prepare you for success. Our courses are well structured and easy to follow, giving you the knowledge needed to perform cryolipolysis, ultrasonic cavitation and radio frequency skin tightening treatments safely and effectively. Our courses cover all the essentials.

Cryolipolysis is the scientific name for the fat-freezing treatments that are becoming increasingly popular across the UK. There are a number of different cryolipolysis methods, and it is important to note that only one of them is FDA approved and has a 100% safety record.

• Once the course ends, this is when the real learning begins.

• All students are expected to practice the skills and techniques at home with a friend or training partner until it becomes comfortable and natural.

• We believe that, when you put your body in our hands, you deserve the best possible care.

• Sadly not every clinic or salon feels the same way, which is why regulation would be better for consumers and the safety of the industry as a whole.

The difference between Cryolipolysis training courses online training courses and other programs is the ongoing support we offer. We leave no student behind. If a student needs is having trouble understanding, needs additional help or just wants to talk things through first, they can contact us anytime.

Technically, cryolipolysis is a non-invasive procedure. However we would advise anyone considering this (or any other aesthetic treatment) to visit a doctor-led clinic. While there are beauty salons offering fat freezing services, you never know what level of training they have. In a doctor-led clinic, you can be assured that you’re in good, qualified hands.

Admission requirements for Cryolipolysis training courses:

• Students must show proof that they are 16 years of age or older.

• Any student under the age of 18 must have his/her Enrollment Agreement signed by a parent or legal guardian; call us today for more details.

As we have seen from the recent news story, a non medical treatment can have medical grade consequences when improperly applied.

The demand for fat freezing training is very popular!

Make sure you get the correct training.

If you’re interested in one of our courses make sure to shoot us an email or give us a call in the office and we can send you more information.


Discover CryoForm, a non-invasive fat reduction procedure that may reduce fat by freezing fat cells. Interested? Contact us today for Fat Freeze Training Courses.

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